Wednesday, April 7, 2021

The Phrase "" Acts As A Synonym Context Clue To The Reader

Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence, paragraph, or text; a word's position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.9-10.4.dDesire for the drink increased in the eighteenth century, but government taxes kept the price high, so a vigorous smuggling trade developed to avoid the excise duty. Question: The phrase _____ acts as a synonym context clue to help the reader understand "excise duty'' Options: A) drink increased B) 18th century C) government taxesThesaurus and word tools for your creative needs. Find the word you're looking for!Context definition, the parts of a written or spoken statement that precede or follow a specific word or passage, usually influencing its meaning or effect: You have misinterpreted my remark because you took it out of context. See more.Students use context clues to help them determine the meaning of unfamiliar words by looking at the way the word is used in a sentence or paragraph. The words or phrases surrounding an unknown word provide the reader with clues. Common types of context clues include examples, synonyms, antonyms and comparisons.

[ANSWERED] Desire for the drink increased in the

Explaining Clues in The Context. Most of the times, the context of a phrase is fully explaining its meaning. Therefore, one must read and re-read the context of a phrase carefully till he or she is able to grab some clues that will help him or her to infer the meaning of that phrase. Explaining Synonyms in Context. Sometimes, if a phrase isWhat does a context clue look like? There are at least four kinds of context clues that are quite common: Synonym (or repeat context clue): An author will use more than one word that means the same thing.For example, there may be a complex word followed by a restatement using a simpler word in the same or following sentence: Felipe is a miser.He's always been cheap.Just like a detective following clues that lead to the perpetrator of a crime, you as a reader must use (context) clues within a text passage to determine the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary. Context clues are simply hints or additional information the author provides that can help you understand the meaning of a particular word or phrase.This helps readers infer a word's meaning and appreciate the entire passage where the word resides. 7 Strategies For Using Context Clues In Reading 1. Word Parts. The idea: Break down the different parts of a word—base word (word stem or root word), prefixes, and suffixes—to figure out what it means.

[ANSWERED] Desire for the drink increased in the

Thesaurus and Word Tools | WordHippo

The phrase " " acts as a synonym context clue to help the reader understand "excise duty." 2 See answers mulemadison mulemadison Answer: "government taxes kept the price high". Explanation: The phrase "government taxes kept the price high" acts as a synonym that helps the readers to understand the term "excise duty".The phrase "_____" acts as a synonym context clue to help the reader understand "excise duty." government taxes Asher wants to compare the subjects of the poems "The Great Wave: Hokusai" and "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" by analyzing their structures.One thing you can do to figure out new words is to use CONTEXT CLUES. The CONTEXT is the words, sentences, and ideas that come before and after a word or phrase. When you read a passage, circle any new words that you don't understand. Then, look in the context to find clues--words or phrases that hint at what the new word means.They can mark the clues that they believe will help them uncover a word's meaning. Many supports can also be embedded in the digital text to help students while they are reading. For example, selected words and phrases (the unknown words as well as the surrounding context) can be linked to definitions, synonyms, antonyms, images, and audioWords in Context is a subscore category on the SAT that encompasses all questions related to vocabulary knowledge and appropriate word choice. On the Reading section, these questions will ask you to use context clues to choose the correct synonym for a word or to identify the purposes of certain words.

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the content of dr. king's speech, his inspiring presence, and the moment in history all got here together to make the iconic "i have a dream" speech the defining second of the american civil rights motion. however there are a number of different the explanation why this speech, delivered over 50 years ago, stays an instance of one in all the best possible speeches in american history.

since a part of my activity is to folks grow to be better presenters, i've spotted a number of techniques that we can all learn from and be inspired via on this magnificent speech.

it's anchored in a robust similar location

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