Digestive system of a Domestic Chicken. The major components of the avian digestive system are the alimentary canal plus several accessory structures.A digestive system and an intraepidermal nervous system were developed. This paper explores the design, implementation and performance of an on-farm plug flow anaerobic digestion system.The digestive system is composed of a series of organs, each with a specific, yet related function, that work to Bird digestive system : The avian esophagus has a pouch, called a crop, which stores food.Presentation on theme: "Avian Digestive System"— Presentation transcript: 1 Avian Digestive System Differs highly from the previous digestive systems because bird have no teeth Is made up of...Digestive System > Digestive Systems of Other Species. The avian cuisine varies as much as in mammals, leading to classification of individuals as carnivores, insectivores, seed-eaters and the like.
Avian Digestive System Disorders
Avian Digestive System. a quiz by Horsegirl2214. • 217 plays. This is an online quiz called Avian Digestive System. There is a printable worksheet available for download here so you can take the...The digestive system is extremely efficient in absorbing energy from small amounts of food at a rapid rate. Large Intestine Figure 43: Avian digestive tract Figure 44: Avian digestive tract 37.1. Diagrammatic representation of avian digestive tracts distal to the stomach. (Tetraoninae)-undergo spectacular annual cecal changes, the study of their digestive system is both economically...Birds are endothermic vertebrates, many with a high core temperature of 41.3°C. The rapid heart rate (93-494 bpm) and respiratory rate (12-85) explain the fast metabolic rate of the avian species. This high basic metabolic rate influences the rate of drug absorption...

Digestive Systems | Boundless Biology
Start studying Avian Digestive System. Learn vocabulary, terms and more with flashcards, games and other study tools.Physiology of the Digestive System. Ziswiler V. & Farner D.S. (1972) Digestion and the Digestive System Avian Biolgy Vol II Academic Press New York 343-430.An understanding of the avian digestive system is essential for developing an effective and economical feeding program for your poultry flock and for...An understanding of the avian digestive system helps the owner develop an effective feeding program and helps with recognizing when something is wrong so you can take necessary actions to correct the...Study avian digestive system flashcards. Create flashcards for FREE and quiz yourself with an avian digestive tract. beak, mouth, oropharynx, tounge, hyoid apparatus, salivary glands, larynx...
Presentation on theme: "Avian Digestive System"— Presentation transcript:
1 Avian Digestive SystemDiffers extremely from the former digestive programs because hen have no teeth Is made up of the esophagus which empties at once into the crop, where the food is saved after which grinded by means of the gizzard with stones or grit Is an overly fast procedure
2 Avian Digestive System
3 Digestive System Common conditions or diseases come with: colitis colicgastroenteritis
4 Colitis Is an acute or chronic irritation of the membrane lining the colon Is most often brought about by parasites, tumors, a change in food, hypersensitive reactions or swallowing of foreign objects
5 Colic Is outlined as stomach ache and causes problems to the digestive system Is the number 1 explanation for demise in horses Is brought about by means of various kinds of conditions, reminiscent of fuel or impaction
6 Gastroenteritis Is the infection or inflammation of the stomach and intestines Causes diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and cramping stomach pain
7 Endocrine System Produces hormones which control metabolism, expansion and building, tissue and sexual function, replica, sleep and temper Is made up of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, pancreas, ovaries and testicles
8 Endocrine System
9 Endocrine System Common conditions or diseases come with:hyperfunction or hypofunction hyperthyroidism fatty liver illness
10 Hyperfunction or HypofunctionIs caused by means of an imbalance in an animal's hormone levels glands which produce too much hormone are referred to as "hyper" glands which do not produce sufficient hormone are known as "hypo"
11 Hyperthyroidism Is caused through a tumor of the thyroid gland which produces extra thyroid hormone Causes extraordinary bone building and young animals to grow at an abnormal charge most influenced animals won't live to tell the tale thru maturity
12 Fatty Liver Disease Occurs when cattle break down an excessive amount of fat for the liver to procedure correctly Causes fat which is broken down to convert again to fats in the liver which then turns into poisonous to the animal and reduces the cattle's frame situation
13 Immune System Defends the body towards infectious organisms and different invaders Attacks organisms and components which invade an animal's system and causes sicknesses Is made up of lymph nodes, cells, proteins, tissues and organs Common condition or illness contains: autoimmune disease
14 Immune System
15 Autoimmune Disease Occurs when the immune system fails to acknowledge itself and starts to assault and reject the body's personal tissue as a foreign object Causes: soreness itching flaky skin inflamed ears excessive licking swelling
16 Integumentary System Protects the animal's frame from illness by way of offering a barrier to viruses and micro organism Protects the frame from dehydration, overheating or freezing
17 Integumentary System Is the biggest organ in the frame and contains the next: hair feathers scales nails hooves horns pores and skin
18 Integumentary System Common stipulations or diseases include: mangerainrot ringworm
19 Integumentary System
20 Mange Is a pores and skin illness which is led to by way of parasitic mites Causes:serious itching hair loss scabs and lesions
21 Rainrot Is a bacterial an infection which multiplies in a moist setting Causes scabby crusts which shape raised bumps on matted hair
22 Ringworm Is a extremely contagious and infectious skin illness brought about by means of fungi Causes: grey-white areas of skin raised circular outlines lesions
23 Nervous System Transmits alerts to different parts of the animal's body and operates fundamental body purposes like respiring and digestion Includes: the central worried system, which is the brain and spinal twine the peripheral anxious system, which is made up of the nerves and ganglia
24 Nervous System
25 Nervous System Common prerequisites or sicknesses come with:peripheral neuropathy equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) listeriosis
26 Peripheral NeuropathyIs a nerve disorder which affects the peripheral nerves Causes loss of electric alerts within the nerves, impairs serve as and causes degeneration and deterioration
27 Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM)Is brought about by means of horses drinking feces of opossums which include protozoa Causes lesions on the spinal wire and mind stem and neurologic harm Causes: lack of coordination stumbling soreness muscle atrophy weak spot head tilt
28 Listeriosis Is a bacterial disease which reasons uncoordinated actions, leaning in opposition to gadgets and paralysis Can lead to death within two to 3 days after the onset of symptoms
29 Skeletal System Protects and helps the body tissues and interior organs Is made up of bones and other connective tissues Common prerequisites or sicknesses come with: osteochondrosis hip dysplasia fractures
30 Skeletal System
31 Osteochondrosis Is a disease which is able to affect a lot of joints of a young, growing animal Causes irregular bone expansion which may end up in painful lesions within the joints
32 Hip Dysplasia Is an inherited condition which is caused through a hip joint which has not formed correctly Causes a joint to be free and lets in the leg bone to transport an excessive amount of which leads to painful deterioration
33 Fractures Are sometimes called a smash in bonesOften happen due to injuries or incidents corresponding to falls Require rapid care to reduce pain and right kind therapeutic
34 Reproductive System Consists of sex organs inside animals which paintings together for the purpose of sexual replica Female anatomy comprises: ovaries uterus vagina vulva utter Male anatomy comprises: penis testes
35 Male Reproductive System
36 Female Reproductive System
37 Reproductive System Common stipulations or sicknesses come with: infertilitydystocia
38 Infertility Is the lack to conceive or carry a pregnancyCan have an effect on animals of all ages however tends to extra regularly impact older animals
39 Dystocia Is defined as tricky birthingMay occur as a result of maternal difficulties or the placement of the fetus within the uterus
40 Common Veterinary Terms & Abbreviations
41 Common Veterinary TermsCan be grouped within the following categories: species particular phrases bodily examinations animal handling injections blood sampling laboratory procedures
42 Common Veterinary TermsCan be grouped in the following categories: clinic procedures surgeries veterinary scientific apparatus pharmacology not unusual veterinary abbreviations not unusual veterinary symbols
43 Species Specific TermsInclude the next: cat phrases dog phrases horse phrases swine terms farm animals terms sheep terms goat phrases
44 Cat Terms Include: tom - intact male neutered - castrated malequeen - intact female spayed - sterilized female kitten - younger cat queening - giving start litter - a gaggle of offspring born on the similar time
45 Dog Terms Include: canine/stud - an intact male dogneutered - castrated male dog bitch - an intact female spayed - sterilized feminine whelp or pet - a young dog whelping - giving start pack - a group of canines litter - a gaggle of offspring born on the same time
46 Horse Terms Include: stallion - an intact male greater than 4 years outdated colt - an intact male than 4 years old mare - an intact female more than 4 years old filly - an intact female less than four years old gelding - a castrated male foal - a young horse foaling - giving birth
47 Swine Terms Include: boar - an intact male sow - an intact femalebarrow - a male who's castrated when younger gilt - a tender female which has now not given start pig or shoat - a tender pig farrowing - giving start herd - a gaggle of pigs
48 Cattle Terms Include: bull - an intact male cow - an intact femalesteer - a male bovine castrated when young heifer - a tender feminine bovine which has no longer given start calf - a tender bovine herd - a group of cattle calving or freshening - giving start
49 Sheep Terms Include: ram - an intact male ewe - an intact femalewether - a castrated male lamb - a tender sheep flock - a bunch of sheep freshening or lambing - giving delivery
50 Goat Terms Include: dollar - an intact male doe - an intact femalewether - a castrated male child - a young goat herd - a group of goats freshening or kidding - giving birth
51 Physical ExaminationsAre used to spot any abnormalities associated with the animal in an effort to make knowledgeable judgments about its' health
52 Physical Examination TermsWord Meaning Vital Signs assess an animal's health; contains pulse, respiration and temperature Pulse collection of occasions the center beats according to minute Respiration breaths in line with minute Temperature stage of warmth of a residing body Lymph Nodes gland plenty of tissue which include cells Capillary Refill Time time it takes for blood to return to the tissue Abnormalities opposite of standard Lethargic no longer alert or energetic Tartar plaque increase on enamel
53 Physical Examination TermsWord Meaning Plaque growth of micro organism on enamel Ophthalmoscope tool used when inspecting the attention Palpate examine by means of touching and feeling the world Auscultation listening with a stethoscope or different device Murmur odd sound inside the middle Arrhythmia abnormal rhythm within the heart Diagnostics figuring out, characterizing or diagnosing an issue Femoral Pulses pulse found throughout the thigh of the hind leg Inflammation redness, swelling or pain on an area of the frame
54 Physical Examination TermsWord Meaning Lesion wound which reasons ache or a transformation in the body Orthopedic Exam analyzing the skeletal system, constructions, muscle tissues and ligaments Range of Motion how a ways a joint might move freely and painlessly Dehydration lack of water from the frame Gut Motility ability to go material through the intestine Ambulating to walk Defecation to have a bowel motion
55 Animal Handling Is a time period used to explain the way veterinarians and personnel work with, respond to and engage with animals in a scientific or field environment Is the most important to the protection of the handler, owner and animal
56 Animal Handling Term Definition Stressstate of psychological or emotional strain Abnormal Behavior acting in a different way from customary or typical behavior Adverse Behavior habits which is preventive or harmful Submissive passive, obedient or conforming Slip Lead rope or tether which is hooked up around the neck of the animal to lend a hand keep an eye on and restrain Muzzle guard or strap which is fitted over an animal's nostril and jaw to prevent biting Twitch device used to distract horses throughout tests or procedures
57 Animal Handling Term Definition Control Poledevice used for terribly aggressive canines Halter type of restraint used to keep watch over large animals Shoot type of restraint used for livestock Stocks form of restrain used for horses Fractious irritable or angered Tranquilizer medicinal drug used to reduce tension or tension Net used for fractious cats or wild animals
58 Injections Are used to manage medication and vaccinationsTechniques range according to the dosage and administration statements describing instructions to be used
59 Injections Terms Word Meaning Intramuscular (IM)injection of a substance at once into the muscle Subcutaneous (Sub Q) injection used to implant a drug into the tissue layer between the skin and the muscle Intravenous (IV) injection of a substance directly into the vein Syringe Barrel part of the syringe which holds the drugs Syringe Plunger positioned tightly inside the barrel of the syringe; allows the applicator to push the medication throughout the syringe Syringe Needle mechanism wherein the fluid is injected into the animal Gauge thickness, measurement or measure of an object
60 Injection Terms Word Meaning Vaccinationsmedicines which contain weakened or useless bacteria and/or viruses which can be injected into an animal to allow their body to create antibodies against the disease Antibodies cells of the immune system which kill international objects in the body Occlude to near, shut or prevent Jugular any of the 3 massive veins in the neck Lateral Saphenous two massive veins near the thigh on the hind leg Cephalic vein located on the entrance leg
61 Blood Sampling Is used within the analysis and tracking of illness and infection in animals Obtains an initial review of the animal's well being, functionality of an organ or exams for a definite disease Requires particular equipment and coaching
62 Blood Sampling Terms Word Meaning Complete Blood Count (CBC)determines the quantity and form of blood cells provide Blood specialized physically fluid which performs many primary purposes, including transportation, coverage and legislation Plasma liquid portion of blood Red Blood Cells erythrocytes which carry oxygen from the lungs to the remainder of the frame White Blood Cells defends the body from invading organisms Packed Cell Volume (PCV) Hematocrit (HCT) decide the portion or proportion of the whole quantity of blood occupied by means of crimson blood cells
63 Blood Sampling Terms Word Meaning Anemiadeficiency of hemoglobin, decreasing the number of red blood cells; reasons frame weak spot Red Count selection of crimson blood cells in a unit quantity of blood; can be utilized to detect a problem with pink blood cellular manufacturing Polycythemia diminished blood go with the flow Hemoglobin carries oxygen to the red blood cells and is helping transfer them to other tissues Bevel small hole at the needle which allows the blood to blow into the syringe Blood Clotting prevents bleeding when a blood vessel is injured Platelets thrombocytes are liable for clotting and increase with injury
64 Laboratory ProceduresAre a regimen a part of veterinary drugs and are conducted to identify baseline or "customary" values for healthy animal Determine the presence of sickness or illness in an animal Help observe a sick animal's reaction to treatment Determine the risks of complications prior to surgical procedure
65 Laboratory ProceduresCommonly come with: blood examinations fecal examinations urine exam tradition and sensitivity exams
66 Laboratory Procedure TermsTake a look at Purpose SNAP® quick convenient blood exams which detects a couple of sicknesses Complete Blood Count (CBC) determines the number and form of blood cells present Chemistry Profile provides data at the electrolytes within the animal and organ purposes Microfilaria Smear detects the microscopic version of heartworms Fecal Flotation detects inner parasites Urinalysis gives data on kidney serve as and detects urinary tract infections Culture and Sensitivity Tests determine the tension of bacteria or different pathogen and one of the best drug to inhibit the growth of the issue
67 Hospital Procedures Are different not unusual procedures carried out within the hospital by means of veterinary clinical team of workers Include the next: sanatorium protocol emergency protocol and primary aid animal care skills healing care reproductive and genetic analysis new child, orphan and recumbent care
68 Hospital Procedures TermsDefinition Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) emergency process used to stay the center pumping and oxygen flowing Control of Bleeding calls for applying force and bandages to the wound and discovering the supply of the bleeding Hypovolemic Shock Treatment occurs when an animal's blood quantity is low; is treated by means of placing IV fluids to keep the blood drive up Shock Treatment from Pain requires administering medicine to the animal to relieve pain Clinic Protocol pointers which can be followed via all veterinary staff to ensure safety throughout the medical institution at all times Dental Prophylaxis process performed to wash an animal's enamel Zoonotic Diseases are diseases which can be communicable between people and animals
69 Hospital Procedures TermsWord Meaning Artificial Insemination placing sperm into a feminine's uterus or cervix as a way to succeed in being pregnant Morphology learn about of the form of residing organisms Embryo Transfer hanging embryos into the uterus of a female in an effort to determine pregnancy In Vitro Fertilization process during which an egg is fertilized by means of sperm out of doors of the frame before implantation Enema procedure which injects liquid into the rectum Hydrotherapy washing a wound with water Neonate new child animal Recumbent laying down on the back or either side
70 Surgical Procedures Are complicated operations performed by means of veterinarians and are used to learn an animal's well being Most frequently performed inside the veterinary medical institution include: spaying surgically disposing of a feminine's ovaries and uterus neutering surgically disposing of a male's testicles
71 Surgical Procedures TermsDefinition Excise to chop out Incise to chop into Ligate to tie or bind with a ligature Inversion turning inward or inside out Eversion turning outward or within out Transect to sever or lower across Dissect to cut aside or separate Anesthesia medicine used essentially all the way through surgical procedure to reduce pain, discomfort and surprise
72 Veterinary Medical EquipmentIs used to accomplish surgical procedures, the determination of health in animals and to administer medication Includes: commonplace electronic technology common imaging apparatus commonplace surgical tools not unusual medication administration instruments
73 Common Electronic TechnologyIs used daily in veterinary clinics to help decide sickness and the general health of animals Electronic Technology Use Centrifuge separation of fluids by means of spinning a vessel retaining material at a prime pace Autoclave decontaminates and sterilizes surgical tools Microscope analyze blood, fecal, urine and sperm microscopically
74 Common Imaging EquipmentHas revolutionized veterinary drugs by permitting veterinarians to determine illness, illness and overall health of animals easily Imaging Equipment Use Radiography read about the frame for harm or illness Ultrasonography creates photographs of frame constructions from a development of echoes reflected from the structures being imaged Endoscopy assessments the esophagus, abdomen, higher intestines, colon, cecum, massive bowel and rectum Electrocardiography (ECG or EKG) records electric job of the guts over a time frame
75 Common Surgical InstrumentsAre specifically designed gear or devices which perform specific movements whilst acting surgery or an operation on animals Surgical Instrument Use Scissors lower tissue, sutures and tough subject matter Forceps seize, cut, compress and pull tissues Scalpels sharp surgical knives used to make incisions Tubes are used all through operations and wound healing
76 Common Medication Administration InstrumentsAre used to inject medication into an animal in an effort to diagnose, deal with or save you illness Instrument Use Syringe administering a liquid medicine into the animal by way of mouth, intramuscularly or intravenously Hollow Needle attached to a syringe and used for injected medicines Multi-dose Hypodermic Syringe inject or draw fluids into/or out of the body
77 Common Medication Administration InstrumentsUse Hypodermic Syringes and Needles very small syringes which can be used with hole needles for injections into or underneath the skin Drench Guns administer de-wormers, niacin, calcium and other drenchers Balling Guns administer oral medicine drugs or boluses into an animal
78 Pharmacology Is the learn about of medicine which makes a speciality of the makes use of, results and modes of movements in drugs Is divided into the find out about of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
79 Pharmacology Terms Term Definition Pharmacodynamicsstudy of the biochemical and physiological effects of gear and their movements Pharmacokinetics physiological movement of drugs within the frame and the way medication transfer into, via and out of the frame Drug substance used to regard, cure, prevent or diagnose a condition Diagnostic Drug part of a test with a view to identify and label a condition Therapeutic Drug remedy of a condition Preventive Drug save you a condition
80 Pharmacology Terms Term Definition Veterinary Feed Directiveintended for use in animal feeds Over-the-Counter Drug available to somebody with no prescription Controlled Substance drugs considered to be unhealthy due to potential human abuse or misuse ADME strategy of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of substances
81 Common Veterinary AbbreviationsMeaning Ad lib freely, as wanted AG anal glands AL left ear AD proper ear ASAP as soon as imaginable AU every ear BAR bright, alert, responsive
82 Common Veterinary AbbreviationsMeaning Bid two times day by day BM bowel motion BW body weight C with CAP pill CBC complete blood rely CNS central fearful system
83 Common Veterinary AbbreviationsMeaning CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation DOA dead on arrival DSH home quick hair DLH domestic long hair Dx diagnosis FS feminine spayed HBC hit by means of car
84 Common Veterinary AbbreviationsMeaning HCT hematocrit HW heartworm HWP heartworm preventative ICU in depth care unit IM intramuscular IN intranasal IP intraperitoneal
85 Common Veterinary AbbreviationsMeaning IV intravenous MN male neutered NPO not anything by means of mouth OD proper eye OL left eye OU both eyes consistent with os orally, via mouth
86 Common Veterinary AbbreviationsMeaning prn as vital q each q2h every 2 hours q6h each and every 6 hours qd each day qh each hour QID 4 times an afternoon
87 Common Veterinary AbbreviationsMeaning qod every other day RBC pink blood cell R/O rule out Sc/SQ/SubQ subcutaneous SR suture elimination SID once an afternoon Tab tablet
88 Common Veterinary AbbreviationsMeaning TID thrice an afternoon TNT toenail trim TPR temperature, pulse, breathing TX remedy UA urinalysis ung ointment WBC white blood cell
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